Visible Spectrum Photography
- Digital photography of the total and details
- Digital image processing and color correction
Ultraviolet Fluorescence Photography
- Acquiring-Rendering-Digitalization of the total and details
- Acquiring-Rendering-Digitalization-Processing of digital images
Infrared Reflectoscopy
- Acquiring-Processing of digital images
mIR/nIR/Vis/UV Spectroscopy
- Scanning and acquirement of spectra from ultraviolet to infrared regions of electromagnetic spectrum
Acoustic Microscopy
- Scanning and Acquirement of Echographs
- Material characterization in multilayer structures (on surface and in depth)
- 3D reconstruction of structures with resolution of 1μm
- Thickness gauge
- Non-destructive study of integrated electronics circuits (ICs)
- Study and imaging of nano-composite materials (e.g. reinforcement of mechanical properties of materials)
- Imaging of artificial bones and tissues
- Study of underlying drawings and materials of artworks
- Vertical documentation of artworks
- Study for artwork preservation using multispectral imaging
- Authenticity studies